
Besides art, music is also an extremely important part of my life. I’m delighted to have mastered how to play some of the most famous pieces written by great composers such as Chopin and Beethoven, and I feel very lucky to be able to learn music at my own pace and appreciate the joy that music has brought to me.

Carnegie Hall, NY 2020

Merkin Concert Hall, NY 2022

Carnegie Hall, NY 2022

Debussy: Children’s Corner I

Chopin: Waltz in C sharp minor, Op. 64 No. 2

Chopin: Nocturne Op. 27 No. 1



I tried out the flute when I was in 4th grade and I fell in love with it immediately. Thanks to my wonderful band teachers and years of piano lessons, learning how to play the flute had always been a pleasant experience. It is very encouraging when my teacher told me that I have perfect pitch. I also truly enjoyed being a valuable member of my school band for the past 4 years. It is wonderful to be part of a team and work together with fellow students to achieve a great performance.
